Our Customer Commitment

PEJO Enterprises’ passion is to take the time to produce a superior product to exceed the customers’ needs. Every decision made on this farm is with the consumer in mind!

Based on the latest research, PEJO Enterprises are committed to continually monitoring and adapting production processes to improve the end product for the consumer, the most important component of the business.

PEJO Enterprises are continually trialling new high grade, quality diets to bring you the best possible tasting product.

At PEJO Enterprises, we firmly believe in building long term relationships with our customers through continual communication. In fact, this business is still doing business with the person who received the first ever box of fish!

The PEJO Enterprises quality Infinity Blue Barramundi product is currently distributed to regional areas of tropical north Queensland as well as wholesalers in Brisbane, the Sunshine Coast, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.


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Pejo Enterprises

Pejo Enterprises